I was featured on a site called "Daily Beard." I can't seem to find who is behind the site, but there are lots of other cool illustrators on it. I just put it on my Google Reader.
I was experimenting a little with offset color techniques here. And making it look like an old film still too. I showed this to my 8 year old daughter, and she asked me if the bottom part was "sand or snow?" So maybe that old paper color is too much....
This was for an article for Seattle Met magazine. The art director, Ben Purvis, (who I used to work with at the Greenspun Media Group) does amazing work. See his site here and blog here. Click the image below to see a closeup of the textures:
I did 2 pro bono card designs for the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery in association with an ad agency in Minneapolis called Periscope. Click here to buy them. Here are my sketches. The mistletoe was removed by the client. I'm not sure why .